Angle cutter set makes it quick and easy to cut boards
Do you cut boards at a construction site? Or do you often find yourself waiting for the guy doing the cutting to hurry up and
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Get faster, easier and more precise measurements with our newly developed Angle cutter Set for the busy tradesman.
It’s time to leave the pencil and ruler behind. You can stop manually marking out the items you cut while simultaneously making your work easier and increasing precision – all while saving time as well.
With an Angle Guide Rail from Angle.design you can combine several different working processes together and cut short your working time. You can save a lot of time measuring things out – while simultaneously securing a more accurate result. Simply put the guide rail together with the main rail which has both measurements and degrees. You can now quickly and simply set the rail to the exact right measurement and angle that you need.
Developed by Tradesmen for Tradesmen – Made in Denmark.
Do you cut boards at a construction site? Or do you often find yourself waiting for the guy doing the cutting to hurry up and
When installing your new gutter, the first thing you need to do is measure everything out for your gutter brackets. You are probably used to
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4673 Rødvig Stevns
T: +45 22 22 88 55
E: info@angle.design
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